I want a million different voices speaking in tongues
I just want to hear some rhythm,
I want a thousand guitars,
I want pounding drums,
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues.
Bruce Springsteen: "Radio Nowhere"I want a million different voices speaking in tongues
I just want to hear some rhythm,
I want a thousand guitars,
I want pounding drums,
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues.
Bruce Springsteen: "Radio Nowhere"I want a million different voices speaking in tongues
I just want to hear some rhythm,
I want a thousand guitars,
I want pounding drums,
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues.
Bruce Springsteen: "Radio Nowhere"



I want a million different voices speaking in tongues
I just want to hear some rhythm,
I want a thousand guitars,
I want pounding drums,
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues.
Bruce Springsteen: "Radio Nowhere"


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