Time: 10.00
Place: Aula Magna
Welcome Greetings
Gino Mirocle Crisci, Rector, University of Calabria
Gillian Mansfield, CercleS President
Carmen Argondizzo, University Language Centre, University of Calabria
The Children of the University of Calabria
Greetings from the Future
Time: 10.40-11.40
Place: Aula Magna
David Little
Agency and voice: towards a new synergy between university language teaching/learning and research
Time: 11.40
Permanently available for participants
Time: 13.40
Time: 14.50-16.30
Place: Centro Congressi “Beniamino Andreatta” and Aula Caldora
Time: 16.40-18.30
Place: Centro Congressi “Beniamino Andreatta” and Aula Caldora
Time: 17.00
Place: University Club
Time: 18.40-19.40
Guided Walking Tour around the Campus: Aula Magna, Polifunzionale, Murales, Orto Botanico, Biblioteca, Teatro Auditorium
Time: 20.00
Place: Teatro Auditorium
Time: 8.00- 13.00
Place: Centro Congressi “Beniamino Andreatta”, Hall
Time: 9.00- 11.30
Place: Centro Congressi “Beniamino Andreatta” and Aula Caldora
Time: 11.40- 12.40
Place: Aula Magna
Manuel Célio Conceição
Language landscape in European Higher Education area: answers for new complexities.
Time: 12.40-13.40

Time: 13.50 Transfer to the hotels
Time: 15.30 Transfer to the CASTELLO SVEVO Cosenza
Time: 16.15- 17.15
Place: Castello Svevo Cosenza
♦ Sala del Trono
Mark Critchley, Marta Estella Clota, Daniela Forapani, Petra Gekeler, Cristina Pérez Guillot, Heidi Rontu, Ulla-Kristiina Tuomi
CercleS Focus Group on Management and Leadership: developing leadership strategies between language centres.
♥ Sala della Regina
Christoph Nickenig
AICLUcert- The Italian University Language Testing System
♠ Sala Militare
Anne Chateau
CercleS Focus Group on Autonomy: Team Discussion
♣ Sala del Ricevimento
Maria del Carmen Arau Ribeiro
CercleS CLIL: Focus Group launching
Time: 17.15-18.30
Place: Castello Svevo Cosenza - Sala delle Armi
Maria Amono, Niccolò Banchetti
Letters outside the box: multilingual practices in high schools and academic contexts.
María Del Carmen Arau Ribeiro
The Agony and the Ecstasy of Learning Foreign Languages: The role of creativity.
Natalia Fritsler
The language of business presentations through cultural dimensions.
Alena Hradilova
The Matrix, Staff Development and Quality Assurance.
Yoko Kusumoto, Monica Hamciuc
Enhancing Thinking Skills Through Active Learning Critical thinking is one of the common elements.
Claudia Lanza
CLIL, una comparazione tra due regioni italiane: Lombardia e Calabria. Esiste una collaborazione tra docenti di lingua e docenti disciplinari?
Elvira Lato, Carla Vergaro
On developing translation competence: shared responsibilities and cooperation between language centers and departments.
Noriko Nagai, Seiki Ayano, Keiko Okada, Takayuki Nakanishi
Explicit instruction on the other side of the same coin: A case for passive and causative.
Edyta Olejarczuk
The relationship between the use of language learning strategies, learners’ beliefs about CALL, and FL speaking.
Sandra Reisenleutner
Creating a project out of tasks: a project-based approach in German as a Foreign Language.
Ian Michael Robinson
Language centres: are we holding the future in our hands?
Jaime Selwood
Podcasting in a mobile world: The power potential and pitfalls.
Lidy Zijlmans
English and Dutch as a second and third language at an academic level. The case of German students in the Netherlands.
Time: 18.30- 20.00
Place: Castello Svevo Cosenza - Sala del Trono
CercleS General Meeting and 25th Anniversary Cin-Cin
Time: 20.15
Place: Castello Svevo Cosenza
Time: 22.30
Night Tour around Cosenza Vecchia by bus and transfer to the hotels
Time: 9.00-11.30
Place: Centro Congressi “Beniamino Andreatta” and Aula Caldora
Time: 11.40-13.15
Place: Aula Magna
Interactive Round Table and wrap up reflections
Looking into the future of CercleS
Time: 13.15 Place: Piazzale Aula Magna
The Excursion to the Golfo di Policastro: collection of packed lunch and transfer to Coaches*
Time: 15.30 Place: Golfo di Policastro
Friendly Competition Award: “ … and the Winners are …”
Time: 16.30 Place: Golfo di Policastro
Discover the surroundings of the ‘Nel blu dipinto di blu’ coast**
Time: 20.30 Place: Golfo di Policastro
Dinner and short follow up, strolling around the village Vicoli
Time: 23.00 Place: Golfo di Policastro
Trip back to the hotels