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Notizie OLA , Notizie CLA

Inizio attività di Lingua Italiana L2 - Livello B2

Ott. 28, 2019

Si informano gli studenti che da lunedì 14 ottobre inizierà il Laboratorio di Lingua Italiana L2 - Livello B2. Gli incontri si terranno presso il CLA, Cubo 25 C oggni:

- martedì dalle 15 alle 17 presso il Laboratorio Multimediale;

- mercoledì dalle 15 alle 17 presso l'aula Marrone;

- giovedì dalle 15 alle 17 presso l'aula Blu.

Gli studenti interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Notizie OLA , Notizie CLA

Inizio attività di Lingua Italiana L2 - Livello A2

Ott. 28, 2019

Si informano gli studenti che da lunedì 14 ottobre inizierà il Laboratorio di Lingua Italiana L2 - Livello A. Gli incontri si terranno presso il CLA, Cubo 25 C oggni:

- lunedì dalle 15 alle 18 presso l'aula Blu;

- venerdì dalle 15 alle 18 presso l'aula marrone.

Gli studenti interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Notizie CLA

AICLU - CfP LLHE dicembre 2019

Ott. 23, 2019

Language Learning in Higher Education


Journal of CercleS

(European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education)

Special Issue


Enhancing the Role of European University Language Centres: past achievements and future perspectives

Call for Papers

The European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education - CercleS - is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the LLHE Journal, the aim of which is to celebrate the approaching 30th anniversary of CERCLES (1991-2021).

The aim of this LLHE Special Issue is to create an occasion for language scholars, professionals and practitioners to share ideas about research and didactics relating to language development which stems from the input CercleS has created over the years. The Special Issue wants to offer the opportunity for a collaborative debate which will involve the many members of the Associations of Language Centres in Europe who, thanks to their varied working and geographical backgrounds, will inform the community of language professionals about past and present experiences and thus enrich the overall discussion. It is, indeed, CercleS’ wish to embrace a number of different perspectives in order to promote in-depth reflection on issues relating to the well-being of University Language Centres and the development of language competences among the generations of students and the population in general.

Critical thinking is a concept of paramount importance for learners’ global development, both from a cultural and social point of view as well as from a linguistic and multilingual perspective. CercleS strongly believes that it is the duty of language scholars and professionals never to forget the role that languages have in society and the role that University Language Centres play in language acquisition and learning. Moreover, CercleS is aware of the many achievements that, within the European context, have been reached throughout the years and the numerous efforts which have been made in order to shed light on the relevance linguistic issues have within academic contexts and, more broadly, within society. Thus, this LLHE Special Issue wants both to acknowledge the successes of CercleS and also envision future goals.   

Articles and activity reports addressing the themes highlighted below would be most welcome. They can be written in English, French, German. The aim is to enhance the multilingual aspect of the issue, which wants to emphasize the wide range of cultures and communication styles that practitioners in University Language Centres come into contact with during their academic life. Experiences will therefore be considered from a European perspective and beyond, thus providing participants with insights that should help reinforce the concept of belonging to a community of practice that crosses geographical boundaries.

Themes have been chosen to include wide areas which have favoured important changes in the fields of Language Centres’ management and organization, language learning and research, language teaching. Such areas foster significant debate on how languages naturally interweave with changes and development in the current world. They are intentionally broad so as to encourage the sharing of a wider range of backgrounds, findings, expertise, ideas and discussions:

University Language Centres within an international perspective

  • Language planning and policy in the academic world
  • Management, administration and daily life of University Language Centres: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
  • University Language Centres and Internationalization issues
  • European projects in higher education
  • University Language Centres and Learners’ Internships
  • Quality assurance in University Language Centres

University Language Centres and Research within a changing society: achievements and future perspectives

  • Discourse and interaction analysis
  • Bilingualism, plurilingualism and translanguaging in higher education
  • Translation, interpretation and mediation
  • Intercomprehension and the challenge of sharing experiences with refugees
  • Social and cultural dimensions of language acquisition and use

University Language Centres and Didactic issues: best practices and ideas for the future

  • Languages for academic and professional contexts
  • Language and Content for learners’ intercultural growth
  • Autonomous Learning, European Language Portfolios and the new CEFR challenges (2001-2018)
  • Integrated approaches in language learning: the gradual move from frontal and formal teaching to humanistic approaches and collaborative learning
  • Creativity in language learning and teaching: strategies for fostering creative and critical thinkers
  • Academic oriented assessment and international certifications
  • Language, technology and new media.

If you are interested in any of the topics highlighted above and want to share your ideas, please submit an article or activity report in English, French or German. Please specify the set of topics to which you would like to refer.


Submission of articles                                    Early December 2019

Review process                                               January-March 2020

Notification of acceptance                             April 2020

Revision of articles                                         April-June 2020

Copy-editing                                                   June-July 2020

Manuscripts to production                             Early August 2020

Presentation of the forthcoming issue            September 2020 at CercleS Conference in Brno

Publication of the Special issue                      December 2020

Submissions should be sent as e-mail attachments, in Word and PDF format, to:

  • Carmen Argondizzo (guest editor), Università della Calabria;
  • Gillian Mansfield (guest editor), Università di Parma;
  • Breffni O’Rourke (editor-in-chief), Trinity College Dublin;
  • Liliana Szczuka-Dorna (editor-in-chief), Poznan University of Technology;

Articles should be between 5000 and 7000 words in length (including references but excluding tables, figures and appendices). Those that report on empirical or experimental research should carry clear and explicit pedagogical implications, while those concerned with a practical dimension of language learning/teaching should include discussion of research-based principles. Articles on other areas of interest should include critical engagement with current discussion in the relevant literature. Submissions that the guest editors and editors-in-chief judge worthy of serious consideration will be peer-reviewed. Articles should be presented as follows:

1. Name of author(s)
2. Title of article
3. Abstract (200–250 words)

4. Key words (between 5 and 7)
5. Name of author(s) followed by institutional affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es). If there are two or more authors, please indicate which of them should receive correspondence
6. Text of article
7. References
8. Appendices
9. Tables and/or figures in the order in which they appear in the article

Activity reports should be between 2000 and 3000 words and should focus on an innovative activity carried out in a language centre and likely to be of interest to colleagues in other language centres. Submissions will be reviewed by the editors-in-chief and the assistant editors. Activity reports should be presented as follows:

1. Name of author(s)
2. Title of activity report
3. Abstract (150–200 words)
4. Key words (between 5 and 7)
5. Name of author(s) followed by institutional affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es). If there are two or more authors, please indicate which of them should receive correspondence
6. Text of activity report organized as follows:
a) Description of context
b) Account of activity
c) Summary of results/experience
d) Future prospects
7. References (if any)
8. Appendices (if any)
9. Tables and/or figures (if any)

Whether you are submitting an article or an activity report, please observe the following conventions:

  • Margins: 2.5 cm
  • Font: Times New Roman 12pt
  • Paragraph spacing: 1.5 lines
  • Numbering of sections and sub-sections: please follow the publisher’s style sheet (appended to these guidelines)
  • Indent the first line of each paragraph by pressing the tab key once
  • No space after paragraphs
  • As indicated above, tables and figures should be inserted in sequence at the end of your text file. Indicate roughly where each table/figure should occur by inserting in your text:

[Please insert Table/Figure X here]

  • Footnotes should be used sparingly and inserted using the INSERT FOOTNOTE function in Word
  • Figures, screenshots, etc. should be submitted as high-resolution images
  • References, both in the running text and in the list at the end of the article, should be presented strictly according to the publisher’s style sheet (appended to these guidelines)
  • Submissions that fail to observe these conventions will not be considered for publication

Notizie CLA

Call for Participation - Innovation in Language Learning International Conference

Ott. 23, 2019

International Conference Innovation in Language Learning

12th Edition    Florence, Italy    14-15 November 2019

Dear Sir / Madam,

good morning, we would like to inform that the 12th edition of the International Conference “Innovation in Language Learning” will take place in Florence, Italy on 14-15 November 2019.

The Conference promotes transnational cooperation and sharing of good practice in the field of language teaching and learning. The event also is an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current language learning projects and initiatives

The Conference also is an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current education projects and initiatives.

Numbers of the previous edition:

- 2 conference days

- 3 parallel sessions

- 115 papers presented

- 162 registered participants

- 42 countries represented from all over the world

Registration Process

In order to register in the conference, please download the Registration form
fill it out and send it to us together with the proof of payment.

You can also autonomously register online by registering and accessing the reserved area

For further information, please visit the conference website

https://conference.pixel-<wbr/> or contact us at


AICLU - Call per 1 assegno di ricerca nel settore L-LIN 12

Ott. 23, 2019

On-Line Call per 1 assegno di ricerca nel settore L-LIN 12. La Call fa parte di un Bando per 16 Assegni di ricerca. Il Bando di interesse per i linguisti si trova alla voce Dipartimento di Culture, Educazione, Società, con label Smart Manifacturing, smart solutions.

Il link:
Il Decreto Rettorale di nomina è reso pubblico sul sito web di Ateneo dell'Università della Calabria in Categoria Bandi – Assegni di ricerca - all’indirizzo: https://unical.<wbr/>portaleamministrazionetraspare<wbr/><wbr/>di-ricerca.html .

Notizie OLA

OLA Attività di Tutorial di recupero per la Lingua Inglese - ottobre 2019

Ott. 22, 2019

Nel periodo di ottobre/novembre 2019 si terranno i Tutorial di Recupero relativi all’Offerta Linguistica di Ateneo del CLA (OLA). Gli studenti che hanno già seguito il percorso OLA e che hanno avuto difficoltà a superare la Prova Finale OLA di Livello B1 sono invitati a partecipare al fine di essere guidati nel superamento della prova finale.

Il primo incontro si terrà giovedì 10 ottobre. In allegato il calendario degli incontri.

Certificazioni per la Lingua Inglese

Iscrizioni aperte per gli esami di Certificazione PET ed FCE

Ott. 22, 2019

Sono aperte le iscrizioni per gli esami di Certificazione PET ed FCE di dicembre.

Coloro che sono interessati possono richiedere la modulistica necessaria all'iscrizione a:

- Esame FCE 14 Dicembre 2019 (Formato Cartaceo) - termine ultimo iscrizione 5 Novembre 2019

- Esame PET 5 Dicembre 2019 (Formato Cartaceo) - termine ultimo iscrizione 29 Ottobre 2019

Notizie OLA

OLA 2019/2020 Lingua Inglese 2 DIBEST - Esercitazione itinerante presso l'Orto Botanico

Ott. 21, 2019

Si informano gli Studenti e le Studentesse del Gruppo 3 Biologia e del Gruppo 4 - Instructor Salvatore Luberto - che le esercitazioni dei giorni di seguito indicati si svolgeranno presso l'Orto Botanico:

  • Giovedì 24 Ottobre 2019 dalle ore 09.30 alle ore 12.30  - esercitazione itinerante per gli studenti del Gruppo 4 - Scienze Naturali.
  • Venerdì 25 Ottobre 2019 dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 17.30  - esercitazione itinerante per gli studenti del Gruppo 3 – Biologia.

Notizie OLA

OLA Area Umanistica - Avvisi Cambio orario - Gruppo 28 B1L - Gruppo 34 - Gruppo 34A

Ott. 15, 2019

Si avvisano gli Studenti e le Studentesse del seguente cambio orario:

GRUPPO 28 Giurisprudenza B1 Lower ENZA SMIRIGLIA orario attività di mercoledì è  dalle 11 alle 13 anziché dalle 9 alle 11;

GRUPPO 34 Scienze dell’Educazione ENZA SMIRIGLIA  orario attività lunedì  è dalle  9/11 anziché 11/13   

GRUPPO 34A Scienze dell’Educazione SABINA RIZZO orario attività lunedì  è dalle  11/13 anziché 9/11

Notizie OLA

OLA I semestre 2019/2020 - Risultati Placement Test (del 24 settembre e del 4 ottobre 2019) dei CdS in Ingegneria Gestionale e in Ingegneria Ambientale e Chimica

Ott. 14, 2019

Si informano gli studenti, che hanno sostenuto il Placement Test di Lingua Inglese nelle dat4 24 settembre e 4 ottobre 2019, che sono disponibili i risultati al seguente link:

I Laboratori di Lingua inglese inizieranno tutti dal 15 ottobre 2019 ad eccezione del Gruppo 2 che inizierà le attività giovedì 17 ottobre.